Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good coffee

Good coffee
Originally uploaded by delta_avi_delta.
My (short)list of (slight) greviences with this great land has shrunk by one: I've found some ground coffee roasted outside of the country.

There's a very distinctive bitterness to nationally roasted coffee - it is to other coffees as hops-y beer is to wheatbeer - it's got a tang. If you like it, I'm sure nothing else will do. I don't.

I tried this with low hopes, but it's great. Now if only some non-has-beens would come play a gig. My Chemical Romance does not count.

1 comment:

Trey said...

One must have decent coffee. There are times that tea just isn't the thing. At those times, a strong, full bodied, low acid brew is called for. I must send you some Costa Rican one day-- so much caffiene that the packet vibrates!